Transported Asset Protection (TAPA) certification

The Transported Asset Protection Association a.k.a. TAPA was developed by supply chain security professionals and logistics specialists to help maintain best practice security standard for facility (FSR) and truck (TSR) security requirements. The industry security professionals understood that there was a need to standardize these security requirements towards maintaining a common security benchmark among its members in the facility, warehousing and trucking industry. These security standards are especially important to companies that manufacture, store and distribute /transport high value, theft targeted goods.

We at BRC help Companies having factories, warehouses and those in the trucking business prepare for TAPA audits being conducted by independent approved audit bodies approved by TAPA to be in a state of readiness for the audits in-order to get TAPA certified.

The certification helps demonstrate to their customers/stakeholders that they run a secure and effective organisation that is able to secure their assets entrusted to them. The certification helps them remain more competitive , allows for continuous improvement in helping to reduce losses, improve operations and save hidden costs.

TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) has set a security benchmark for;

  • Worldwide Freight Security Requirements (FSR) ,
  • Truck Security Requirements (TSR)
  • Guard Security Requirements (GSR)

These standards are designed to ensure a safe and secure facility, secure storage of assets and secure transportation of high value assets.

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