We provide Security consulting services to the security guarding industry. The majority of security guarding companies provide their clients with standard guarding services, our objective is to bring security guarding to the next level.
We help re-positioning of guarding Cos. to help them market themselves above the level or standard of their competitors.
We help guarding companies meet TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) Guard Security Requirements (GSR) standards.and audit them thereafter by carrying out a security assessment based on the TAPA GSR standards
We meet with clients to understand their guarding SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)and/or the Client’s expectations of the guarding company and train the security guards, Supervisors and Managers accordingly.
We carry out Security Site Audit Assessment to determines whether the current protective measures in place around the premises or facility being guarded are appropriate for the risk environment and are consistent with best practices. Our objective is to identify, through gap analysis and fact based observations, any weak points or deficits in Security overlay . We can provide robust and practical recommendations for enhancement of the Security systems and procedures.